Posts By snrebman

A Warm Welcome!

Thank you for visiting my teaching portfolio! I have created this page in order to share information about myself as an instructor. Here you will find links to my teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, student evaluations, teaching materials (including sample course syllabi), and observations from faculty, peers, and students who have seen me teach.

I am a PhD candidate in the department of history at Syracuse University. I have completed my Master of Arts in History with a major field in Modern United States Social and Political History, a minor field in the History of Capitalism in the United States, and a minor field in Modern Latin America. I am currently completing my dissertation on grassroots antipoverty and racial justice activism in Syracuse, New York, between 1955 and 1975. My research interests include the history of social movements; federal anti-poverty and civil rights policies; and the construction of race, gender, and citizenship. I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2009 at Ohio Wesleyan University, where I double-majored in History and Education.

At Syracuse University, I have worked as a teaching assistant for four semesters and was on fellowship for two semesters. I am currently assigned to History 101: America to 1865. In the past, I have assisted with History 102: America Since 1865, History 121: Global History to 1750, and History 210: The Ancient World. In spring 2016, I received the Graduate School’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant award in recognition of my dedication to teaching. Beyond the university setting, I have worked with students of all ages as a classroom teacher, private tutor, and mentor. Some of my most rewarding experiences have been: teaching children English through craft activities and music at a refugee camp in Debrecen, Hungary; reading Sarah Plain and Tall with a mentee in Kalamazoo, Michigan; and leading “Safety Town” lessons with pre-kindergarten children in Lexington, Ohio. I consider teaching my vocation, and I value every opportunity to help students grow as scholars and individuals.

Please feel free to contact me at:

Scarlett Rebman


PhD Candidate
Department of History
Syracuse University

Follow me on and Twitter (@scarlettrebman).